How to Make your Website more Effective

Before beginning one must consider the target audience, which will be using the site and what result to expect from the traffic. Plan your site on a paper first and organize all your thinking there and then implement the vision.

Tips for making website more effectiveTETO This stands for “test early test often”. This rule stands for all the sites because testing at regular intervals might give significant insight to different problems and issues regarding your site.

Convention Use conventional design in your site as they are more users friendly and prove your credibility. Innovate only when you have a better idea.

Communication must be done with effective visible language In
 his papers on effective visual communication, Aaron Marcus states three fundamental principles involved in the use of the 
so-called “visible language” — the content users see on a screen.



Communicate. Use max. 3 typefaces in a maximum of 
3 point sizes — a maximum of 18 words or 50-80 
characters per line of text.

White space is not bad while scanning your site the user looks for the area important information. You should divide the areas with lines of white space and that will also make it easy for the users.

Simplicity Keep in mind that the users are not in your site to enjoy the design but to get the information. So as per design is concerned, better keep it simple.

Writing style Your users will over look long text blocks without images; promotional writing anything else that doesn’t concern their need. So better use short phrases, scanable layout and plain but objective language.

User’s focus The word “free” attracts user’s attention the most. So use your material cleverly to make user’s focus to be directed to the point you are trying to make.

Don’t play with user’s patience If you are trying to provide your user any services try to keep the requirement to minimal? The less the action the more the chances of conversion.

Forms Keep in mind not to use too many fields, as it might confuse or bore your users.

Value must be delivered "Understand the value that a user is supposed to derive from the UI, and why that value is important to them," says Gabor Vida. "Start with a clear mental model that supports the value proposition, and find some early wins when a user can accomplish something. Design ways to get them there quickly, and reward them."

Importance of text modifier and header tag A good webpage must use this tool to organize contents into categories and sub categories. This tool also helps search engines to put priority to selected keywords and phrases.

Decide the end goal This simply relates to keeping the thrash talk to the minimal and being to the point so that the users gets what they want straight away and gets involved.
